Online Class

Transform Your Speaking Voice and Rule the Room

Coming soon.

Master the Art and Science of Powerful Communication with Voice Mastery

Discover the power of your voice and command the room like never before with our transformative course: Voice Mastery. Are you ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and vocal prowess? Imagine captivating any audience, whether in person or through a microphone, and leaving a lasting impact with your words. In this dynamic and results-driven program, you will discover proven techniques to unlock the true potential of your physical voice. Say goodbye to voice insecurities and hello to a confident, powerful, and engaging speaking voice that will inspire, motivate, and connect with others. Join us on this extraordinary adventure of self-expression, and together, let’s revolutionize your speaking voice and elevate your communication skills to new heights. Sign up today for Voice Revolution and embark on a transformation that will redefine your voice and empower you to become the exceptional speaker, communicator, and negotiator you’ve always aspired to be.

Course modules and what you’ll learn:

Module 1: Embracing Your Unique Voice

Module 2: Vocal Mastery: Techniques for Confidence, Power, and Clarity

Module 3: Commanding Presence: Harnessing the Power of Your Physical Voice

Module 4: Engaging Delivery: Captivating and Connecting with Your Audience

Module 5: Amplifying Your Voice: On-Camera and Microphone Techniques

Module 6: Persuasion and Influence: Mastering the Art of Compelling Communication

Module 7: Commanding the Room: Strategies for Overcoming Stage Fright to be a Confident Public Speaker

Module 8: Amplifying Your Impact: Leaving a Lasting Impression

Module 9: Mastering Voice for Media: Camera, Podcasts, and Interviews

Module 10: Persuasive Communication in the Digital Age

Module 11: Advanced Speaking Techniques: Elevating Your Communication Skills

Module 12: Professional Presence and Impactful Presentations

By the end of this course, you will:

  • Embrace and appreciate your unique speaking voice.
  • Gain confidence in your voice and overcome voice insecurities.
  • Develop vocal mastery for clear and powerful communication.
  • Command a captivating presence and engage your audience effectively.
  • Utilize persuasive techniques to influence and motivate others.
  • Overcome stage fright and deliver impactful presentations with confidence.
  • Leave a lasting impression through your compelling vocal style.
  • Use your voice effectively on camera and through microphones for podcasts and interviews.
  • Craft persuasive messages for various digital platforms and remote audiences.
  • Elevate your speaking techniques and communication skills to an advanced level.
  • Cultivate professional presence and deliver impactful presentations.

Izolda Trakhtenberg Speaker, Vocalist, Educator

Izolda believes in the transformative power of the voice. She has taught thousands of people to find their voices and speak with confidence, passion, and command.

She is the author of the book, Speak From Within: Engage, Inspire, and Motivate Any Audience.